{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkIf readFile; cfg = config.my.programs.nvim; in { imports = lib.my.listModulesRec ./plugins; options.my.programs.nvim.enable = mkEnableOption "nvim"; config = mkIf cfg.enable { home-manager.users.moritz = { xdg.configFile."nvim/snippets" = { recursive = true; source = ./plugins/snippets; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ xdotool # for vimtex ]; # programs.neovim = { # extraPackages = with pkgs; # [ # alejandra # checkmake # codespell # deadnix # dotenv-linter # fish # jq # nil # nixd # nixpkgs-fmt # nodePackages.bash-language-server # python3Packages.python-lsp-server # shellcheck # shfmt # stable.yamlfix # statix # taplo # yamllint # ]; # }; programs.nixvim = lib.mkMerge [ { enable = true; package = inputs.neovim-nightly-overlay.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; vimAlias = true; extraConfigLuaPre = readFile ./options.lua; performance = { byteCompileLua = { enable = true; configs = true; initLua = true; nvimRuntime = true; plugins = true; }; combinePlugins.enable = true; }; } { colorschemes.catppuccin = { enable = true; settings.flavour = "macchiato"; }; } { plugins.lualine.enable = true; } { plugins.cmp = { autoEnableSources = true; enable = true; settings.sources = [ { priority = 1; name = "async_path"; } { priority = 1; name = "buffer"; } { priority = 2; name = "nvim_lsp"; } { priority = 3; name = "nvim_lsp_signature_help"; } { priority = 4; name = "luasnip"; } { priority = 4; name = "vimtex"; } ]; settings.mapping = { __raw = '' cmp.mapping.preset.insert({ [''] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), [''] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), [''] = cmp.mapping.complete(), [''] = cmp.mapping.abort(), [''] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }), [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item({ behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }) elseif require("luasnip").locally_jumpable(1) then require("luasnip").jump(1) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }), [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_prev_item({ behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }) elseif require("luasnip").locally_jumpable(-1) then require("luasnip").jump(-1) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }), [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if require("luasnip").choice_active() then require("luasnip").change_choice(1) elseif require("luasnip").locally_jumpable(1) then require("luasnip").jump(1) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }), [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if require("luasnip").choice_active() then require("luasnip").change_choice(-1) elseif require("luasnip").locally_jumpable(-1) then require("luasnip").jump(-1) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }), }) ''; }; }; } { plugins.luasnip = { enable = true; settings = { history = true; update_events = "TextChanged,TextChangedI"; delete_check_events = "TextChanged"; ext_opts.__raw = ''{ [require("luasnip.util.types").choiceNode] = { active = { virt_text = { { "<--", "Error" } }, }, }, }''; ft_func.__raw = ''require("luasnip.extras.filetype_functions").from_pos_or_filetype''; }; }; } { plugins.lsp = { enable = true; inlayHints = true; servers.nil-ls.enable = true; servers.nixd.enable = true; servers.nixd.extraOptions.settings.nixd = { nixpkgs = { expr = "import { }"; }; options = { nixos = { expr = ''(builtins.getFlake ("git+file://" + toString ./.)).nixosConfigurations.nixos-desktop.options''; }; "flake-parts" = { expr = ''(builtins.getFlake ("git+file://" + toString ./.)).debug.options''; }; "flake-parts2" = { expr = ''(builtins.getFlake ("git+file://" + toString ./.)).currentSystem.options''; }; }; }; }; } { plugins.lspsaga = { enable = true; codeAction.keys.quit = ""; lightbulb.virtualText = false; }; keymapsOnEvents = { LspAttach = [ { key = "cc"; action = "Lspsaga code_action"; options.desc = "Code Action"; options.buffer = true; } { key = "gd"; action = "Lspsaga goto_definition"; options.desc = "Goto Definition"; options.buffer = true; } { key = "cr"; action = "Lspsaga rename"; options.desc = "Rename"; options.buffer = true; } { key = "K"; action = "Lspsaga hover_doc"; options.desc = "Hover"; options.buffer = true; } ]; }; } { plugins.nvim-ufo.enable = true; } { plugins.treesitter = { enable = true; folding = true; nixvimInjections = true; settings.indent.enable = true; settings.highlight.enable = true; }; performance.combinePlugins.standalonePlugins = [ "nvim-treesitter" ]; } { plugins.which-key.enable = true; } { plugins.lastplace.enable = true; } { plugins.comment.enable = true; } { plugins.ts-context-commentstring.enable = true; } { plugins.vimtex = { enable = true; settings.view_method = "zathura"; }; } { plugins.todo-comments = { enable = true; keymaps.todoTelescope.key = "fc"; }; } { plugins.conform-nvim = { enable = true; settings.formatters_by_ft = { "*" = [ "codespell" "trim_whitespace" ]; elixir = [ "mix" ]; gleam = [ "gleam" ]; go = [ "gofmt" ]; json = [ "jq" ]; lua = [ "stylua" ]; nix.__raw = ''{ "nixpkgs_fmt", "alejandra", stop_after_first=true }''; python.__raw = '' function(bufnr) return { first("ruff_organize_imports", "isort"), first("ruff_format", "black")} end ''; rust = [ "rustfmt" ]; sh = [ "shfmt" ]; tex = [ "latexindent" ]; toml = [ "taplo" ]; yaml = [ "yamlfix" ]; }; }; opts.formatexpr = "v:lua.require'conform'.formatexpr()"; extraConfigLuaPre = '' ---@param bufnr integer ---@param ... string ---@return string local function first(bufnr, ...) local conform = require("conform") for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local formatter = select(i, ...) if conform.get_formatter_info(formatter, bufnr).available then return formatter end end return select(1, ...) end vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Format", function(opts) require("conform").format({ formatters = opts.fargs }) end, { nargs = "+", complete = function() local formatters_by_ft = require("conform").formatters_by_ft local names = formatters_by_ft[vim.bo.filetype] or formatters_by_ft["_"] or {} names = vim.list_extend(names, formatters_by_ft["*"] or {}) names = vim.tbl_flatten(names) local formatters = vim.tbl_map(require("conform").get_formatter_info, names) formatters = vim.tbl_filter(function(formatter) return formatter.available end, formatters) return vim.tbl_map(function(formatter_info) return formatter_info.name end, formatters) end, }) ''; performance.combinePlugins.standalonePlugins = [ "conform.nvim" ]; keymaps = [ { key = "cf"; action.__raw = ''function() require("conform").format() end''; options.desc = "Format current file"; } ]; } { keymaps = [ { key = ""; action = "noh"; options.desc = "Escape and clear hlsearch"; mode = [ "i" "n" ]; } ]; } { plugins.oil.enable = true; } { plugins.telescope = { enable = true; extensions.fzf-native.enable = true; keymaps = { "ff" = { action = "find_files"; options.desc = "Find files"; }; "fb" = { action = "buffers"; options.desc = "Find buffers"; }; "fl" = { action = "current_buffer_fuzzy_find"; options.desc = "Search lines"; }; "fg" = { action = "live_grep"; options.desc = "Live grep"; }; "fh" = { action = "help_tags"; options.desc = "Help tags"; }; "fr" = { action = "oldfiles"; options.desc = "Recent files"; }; }; }; } { plugins.nvim-autopairs.enable = true; } { plugins.surround.enable = true; } { plugins.lint.enable = true; # TODO: add linters plugins.lint.lintersByFt = { }; } { plugins.marks.enable = true; plugins.marks.defaultMappings = false; } { plugins.hmts.enable = true; performance.combinePlugins.standalonePlugins = [ "hmts.nvim" ]; } { plugins.gitsigns.enable = true; } { plugins.fugitive.enable = true; } { plugins.friendly-snippets.enable = true; } { plugins.direnv.enable = true; } { plugins.crates-nvim.enable = true; } ]; }; }; }