# ledger completion

function __fish_ledger_needs_command
  set cmd (commandline -opc)
  set skip_next 0
  test (count $cmd) -eq 1
  and return 0
  for item in $cmd[2..-1]
    test $skip_next -eq 1
    and set skip_next 0
    and continue
    switch $item
      case '-D' '-F'
        # These take an argument
        set skip_next 1
      case '-*' '*:*'
        # Do nothing
      case '*'
        # Action found
        echo $item
        return 1
  return 0

function __fish_ledger_command_is
  set cmd (__fish_ledger_needs_command)
  test -z "$cmd"
  and return 1
  contains -- $cmd $argv
  and return 0
  return 1

function __fish_complete_ledger_commands
  for target in \
     "accounts\\tList accounts of matching postings\\n" \
     "args\\tPrint how args are evaluated\\n" \
     "balance\\tBalance report\\n" \
     "budget\\tBudget report\\n" \
     "cleared\\tCleared report\\n" \
     "commodities\\tCommodities report\\n" \
     "convert\\tConvert from CSV\\n" \
     "csv\\tPrint output in CSV format\\n" \
     "emacs\\tPrint output in Lisp form\\n" \
     "entry\\tGenerate entry from template\\n" \
     "equity\\tEquity report\\n" \
     "eval\\tEvaluate the arguments\\n" \
     "expr\\tPrint how given value expr is evaluated\\n" \
     "format\\tPrint how given format is evaluated\\n" \
     "generate\\tGenerate random ledger data for tests\\n" \
     "org\\tExport to Org Mode\\n" \
     "parse\\tPrint how given value expr is evaluated\\n" \
     "payees\\tList payees of matching posting\\n" \
     "period\\tPrint how given period is interpreted\\n" \
     "pop\\tUnset option in the REPL\\n" \
     "pricedb\\tPrices report based on ~/.pricedb\\n" \
     "pricemap\\tGraph of commodities relationships\\n" \
     "prices\\tPrices report\\n" \
     "print\\tPrint full transactions\\n" \
     "push\\tSet option in the REPL\\n" \
     "python\\tRun given file in Python inerpreter\\n" \
     "query\\tPrint how args are evaluated\\n" \
     "register\\tList matching postings\\n" \
     "reload\\tReload all data files for current session\\n" \
     "select\\tUse an SQL query to print postings\\n" \
     "server\\tStarts HTTP server\\n" \
     "source\\tCheck journal file for errors\\n" \
     "stats\\tPrint summary info on matching postings\\n" \
     "template\\tShow insertion template generated by xcat command\\n" \
     "xact\\tGenerate entry from template\\n" \
     "xml\\tPrint report in XML format\\n" \

    printf $target

function __fish_complete_ledger_expr
  set -l tail (commandline -tc)
  string match -q -r -- '^-' "$tail"
  and return 0
  string match -q -r -- '[()!]' "$tail"
  # Complete "ledger echo \(foo"
  and set -l head (string match -r -- '.*[()!]' "$tail"; true)
  and set head (string replace -r -a -- '[\\\]' '\\' "$head"; true)
  and set tail (string match -r -- '[^()!]*$' "$tail"; true)
  and set -l items (complete -C"ledger echo $tail")
  and for item in $items
    printf '%s%s\n' "$head" "$item"
  and return 0
  # Expression words
  printf '(\tStart enclosed expression\n'
  printf ')\tEnd enclosed expression\n'
  printf '!\tLogical negation\n'
  printf 'and\tLogical conjunction\n'
  printf 'or\tLogical disjunction\n'
  printf 'not\tLogical negation\n'
  # Pseudo-portnames
  set -l pseudo "all" "current" "active" "inactive" "installed" "uninstalled" \
     "outdated" "obsolete" "requested" "unrequested" "leaves"
  for item in $pseudo
    printf '%s\tPseudo-portname\n' $item
  # Pseudo-portname selectors
  set -l selectors "depof:" "rdepof:" "depends:" "rdepends:" "dependentof:" \
     "rdependentof:" "name:" "version:" "revision:" "epoch:" "variant:" \
     "variants:" "category:" "categories:" "maintainer:" "maintainers:" \
     "platform:" "platforms:" "description:" "long_description:" "homepage:" \
     "license:" "portdir:"
  for item in $selectors
    printf '%s\tSelector\n' $item
  test -z "$tail"
  # Listing all ports is too slow, just stop here if empty
  and return 0
  # Globbing characters
  printf '%s*\tGlob pattern\n' "$tail"
  printf '%s?\tGlob pattern\n' "$tail"
  # Portnames
  test "$argv[1]" = "all"
  # This might take long, try to limit the output
  and set -l portexpr "*$tail*"
  or set -l portexpr $argv[1]
  set portnames (ledger -q echo $portexpr | string replace -r -- ' *@.*' '' \
     | string replace -a -- ' ' '')
  for item in $portnames
    printf '%s\tPortname\n' $item
  return 0

function __fish_complete_ledger_help
  complete -C"ledger "
  printf '%s\t%s\n' macports.conf "Configuration file of the MacPorts system"
  printf '%s\t%s\n' portfile "MacPorts description file reference"
  printf '%s\t%s\n' portgroup "MacPorts PortGroup command reference"
  printf '%s\t%s\n' portstyle "Style guide for Portfiles"
  printf '%s\t%s\n' porthier "Layout of the ports-filesystems"

function __fish_complete_ledger_select
  set cmd (commandline -opc)
  set count 0
  for item in $cmd
    switch $item
      case '-*'
        test $item = "--set"
        and set is_set 1
        or set is_set = 0
        set count 0
      case '*'
        set count (math $count + 1)
        set group $item
  test $count -eq 0
  and for name in (ledger select --summary | awk 'NR>2{print $1}')
    printf '%s\tGroup name\n' $name
  and return 0
  test $count -eq 1
  and test "$is_set" -eq 1
  and for name in (ledger -q select --list $group)
    string match -q -r -- '(active)' "$name"
    and printf '%s\tActive\n' (string match -r -- '^\s*[^ \t]+' "$name")
    or printf '%s\tInactive\n' "$name"

complete -e -c ledger
complete -f -c ledger

# --option | -o
complete -f -c ledger -s A -l average -d "Print average values over the number of transactions instead of running totals."
complete -f -c ledger -s B -l basis -d "Report the cost basis on all posting.  Alias for --cost"
complete -f -c ledger -s L -l actual -d "Report only real transactions, with no automated or virtual transactions used."
complete -f -c ledger -s j -l amount-data -d "On a register report print only the dates and amount of post- ings.  Useful for graphing and spreadsheet applications."
complete -f -c ledger -s P -l by-payee -d "Group postings in the register report by common payee names."
complete -f -c ledger -s C -l cleared -d "Display only cleared postings."
complete -f -c ledger -s n -l collapse -d "Print only the top level accounts."
complete -f -c ledger -s c -l current -d "Shorthand for --limit 'date <= today'."
complete -f -c ledger -s D -l daily -d "Shorthand for --period daily."
complete -f -c ledger -s E -l empty -d "Include empty accounts in report."
complete -f -c ledger -s G -l gain -d "Report net gain or loss for commodities that have a price his- tory."
complete -f -c ledger -s V -l market -d "Use the latest market value for all commodities."
complete -f -c ledger -s M -l monthly -d "Shorthand for --period monthly."
complete -f -c ledger -s % -l percent -d "Calculate the percentage value of each account in a balance reports.	Only works for account that have a single commodity."
complete -f -c ledger -s I -l price -d "Use the price of the commodity purchase for performing calcula- tions."
complete -f -c ledger -s O -l quantity -d "Report commodity totals (this is the default)."
complete -f -c ledger -s R -l real -d "Account using only real transactions ignoring virtual and auto- matic transactions."
complete -f -c ledger -s r -l related -d "In a register report show the related account.  This is the other side of the transaction."
complete -f -c ledger -s s -l subtotal -d "Report register as a single subtotal."
complete -f -c ledger -s J -l total-data -d "Show only dates and totals to format the output for plots."
complete -f -c ledger -s U -l uncleared -d "Use only uncleared transactions in calculations and reports."
complete -f -c ledger -s Y -l yearly -d "Shorthand for --period yearly."
complete -f -c ledger -s w -l wide -d "Assume 132 columns instead of the TTY width."
complete -f -c ledger -s W -l weekly -d "Shorthand for --period weekly."

# --option
complete -f -c ledger -l version -d "Print version information and exit."
complete -f -c ledger -l verify-memory -d "Verify that every constructed object is properly destructed.  This is for debugging purposes only."
complete -f -c ledger -l verify -d "Enable additional assertions during run-time.  This causes a significant slowdown.  When combined with --debug CODE ledger will produce memory trace information."
complete -f -c ledger -l verbose -d "Print detailed information on the execution of ledger."
complete -f -c ledger -l values -d "Show the values used by each tag when used in combination with the tags command."
complete -f -c ledger -l unround -d "Perform all calculations without rounding and display results to full precision."
complete -f -c ledger -l unrealized-losses -d "Allow the user to specify what account name should be used for unrealized losses.  Defaults to Equity:Unrealized Losses.  Often set in one's ~/.ledgerrc file to change the default."
complete -f -c ledger -l unrealized-gains -d "Allow the user to specify what account name should be used for unrealized gains.  Defaults to Equity:Unrealized Gains.  Often set in one's ~/.ledgerrc file to change the default."
complete -f -c ledger -l unrealized -d "Show generated unrealized gain and loss accounts in the balance report."
complete -f -c ledger -l unbudgeted -d "Show only un-budgeted postings."
complete -f -c ledger -l time-report -d "Add two columns to the balance report to show the earliest checkin and checkout times for timelog entries."
complete -f -c ledger -l time-colon -d "Display the value for commodities based on seconds as hours and minutes.	Thus 8100s will be displayed as 2:15h instead of 2.25h."
complete -f -c ledger -l strict -d "Accounts, tags or commodities not previously declared will cause warnings."
complete -f -c ledger -l sort-xacts -d "Sort the posting within transactions using the given value expression."
complete -f -c ledger -l rich-data -d "When generating a ledger transaction from a CSV file using the convert command, add CSV, Imported, and UUID meta-data."
complete -f -c ledger -l revalued-total -d "Display the sum of the revalued postings as the running total, which serves to show unrealized capital in a gain/losses report."
complete -f -c ledger -l revalued-only -d "Show only <Revalued> postings."
complete -f -c ledger -l revalued -d "Report discrepancy in values for manual reports by inserting <Revalued> postings.  This is implied when using the --exchange (-X) or --market (-V) option."
complete -f -c ledger -l related-all -d "Show all postings in a transaction, similar to --related but show both sides of each transaction."
complete -f -c ledger -l recursive-aliases -d "Causes ledger to try to expand aliases recursively, i.e. try to expand the result of an earlier expansion again, until no more expansions apply."
complete -f -c ledger -l raw -d "In the print report, show transactions using the exact same syn- tax as specified by the user in their data file.	Don't do any massaging or interpreting.  Can be useful for minor cleanups, like just aligning amounts."
complete -f -c ledger -l quarterly -d "Shorthand for --period quarterly."
complete -f -c ledger -l primary-date -d "Show primary dates for all calculations.	Alias for --actual-dates"
complete -f -c ledger -l permissive -d "Quiet balance assertions."
complete -f -c ledger -l period-sort -d "Sort the posting within transactions using the given value expression."
complete -f -c ledger -l pending -d "Use only postings that are marked pending."
complete -f -c ledger -l pedantic -d "Accounts, tags or commodities not previously declared will cause errors."
complete -f -c ledger -l payee -d "Sets a value expression for formatting the payee.  In the register report this prevents the second entry from having a date and payee for each transaction."
complete -f -c ledger -l options -d "Display the options in effect for this ledger invocation, along with their values and the source of those values."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-total -d "Suppress printing the final total line in a balance report."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-titles -d "Suppress the output of group titles."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-rounding -d "Don't output \"<Adjustment>\" postings.  Note that this will cause the running total to often not add up!  Its main use is for --amount-data (-j) and --total-data (-J) reports."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-revalued -d "Stop ledger from showing <Revalued> postings."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-pager -d "Disables the pager on TTY output."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-color -d "Suppress any color TTY output."
complete -f -c ledger -l no-aliases -d "Aliases are completely ignored."
complete -f -c ledger -l lots-actual -d "Preserve the uniqueness of commodities so they aren't merged during reporting without printing the lot annotations."
complete -f -c ledger -l lots -d "Report the date and price at which each commodity was purchased in a balance report."
complete -f -c ledger -l lot-prices -d "Report the price at which each commodity in a balance report was purchased."
complete -f -c ledger -l lot-notes -d "Report the tag attached to each commodity in a balance report."
complete -f -c ledger -l lot-dates -d "Report the date on which each commodity in a balance report was purchased."
complete -f -c ledger -l invert -d "Change the sign of all reported values."
complete -f -c ledger -l immediate -d "Evaluate calculations immediately rather than lazily."
complete -f -c ledger -l help -d "Print this man page.  --generated Include auto-generated postings (such as those from automated transactions) in the report, in cases where you normally wouldn't want them."
complete -f -c ledger -l force-pager -d "Force ledger to paginate its output."
complete -f -c ledger -l force-color -d "Output TTY color codes even if the TTY doesn't support them.  Useful for TTYs that don't advertise their capabilities cor- rectly."
complete -f -c ledger -l flat -d "Force the full names of accounts to be used in the balance report.  The balance report will not use an indented tree."
complete -f -c ledger -l explicit -d "Direct ledger to require pre-declarations for entities (such as accounts, commodities and tags) rather than taking entities from cleared transactions as defined."
complete -f -c ledger -l exact -d "Report beginning and ending of periods by the date of the first and last posting occurring in that period."
complete -f -c ledger -l equity -d "Related to the equity command.  Gives current account balances in the form of a register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l effective -d "Show auxiliary dates for all calculations.  Alias for --aux-date."
complete -f -c ledger -l download -d "Cause quotes to be automagically downloaded, as needed, by run- ning a script named getquote and expecting that script to return a value understood by ledger.  A sample implementation of a getquote script, implemented in Perl, is provided in the distri- bution.  Downloaded quote price are then appended to the price database, usually specified using the environment variable LEDGER_PRICE_DB."
complete -f -c ledger -l dow -d "Group transactions by the days of the week.  Alias for --days-of-week."
complete -f -c ledger -l deviation -d "Report each posting's deviation from the average.  It is only meaningful in the register and prices reports."
complete -f -c ledger -l detail -d "Related to convert command. Synonym to --rich-data option."
complete -f -c ledger -l decimal-comma -d "Direct ledger to parse journals using the European standard comma as decimal separator, vice a period."
complete -f -c ledger -l dc -d "Display register or balance in debit/credit format If you use --dc with either the register or balance commands, you will now get separate columns for debits and credits."
complete -f -c ledger -l days-of-week -d "Group transactions by the days of the week.  Alias for --dow."
complete -f -c ledger -l day-break -d "Break up register report of timelog entries that span multiple days by day."
complete -f -c ledger -l count -d "Direct ledger to report the number of items when appended to the commodities, accounts or payees commands."
complete -f -c ledger -l cost -d "Report the cost basis on all posting.  Alias for --basis.  --color  Use color if the terminal supports it.  Alias for --ansi"
complete -f -c ledger -l collapse-if-zero -d "Collapse the account display only if it has a zero balance."
complete -f -c ledger -l check-payees -d "Enable strict and pedantic checking for payees as well as accounts, commodities and tags."
complete -f -c ledger -l budget -d "Only display budgeted items.  In a register report this displays transaction in the budget, in a balance report this displays accounts in the budget."
complete -f -c ledger -l base -d "Reduce convertible commodities down the bottom of the conver- sion, e.g.  display time in seconds."
complete -f -c ledger -l aux-date -d "Show auxiliary dates for all calculations.  Alias for --effective"
complete -f -c ledger -l auto-match -d "When generating a ledger transaction from a CSV file using the convert command, automatically match an account from the Ledger journal."
complete -f -c ledger -l args-only -d "Ignore init files and environment variables for the ledger run."
complete -f -c ledger -l ansi -d "Use color if the terminal supports it.  Alias for --color --anon   Anonymize registry output, mostly for sending in bug reports."
complete -f -c ledger -l add-budget -d "Show only un-budgeted postings."
complete -f -c ledger -l abbrev-len -d "INT Set the minimum length an account can be abbreviated to if it doesn't fit inside the account-width.  If INT is zero, then the account name will be truncated on the right.  If INT is greater than account-width then the account will be truncated on the left, with no shortening of the account names in order to fit into the desired width."

complete -f -c ledger -l account -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Prepend EXPR to all accounts reported.  That is, the option --account \"'Personal'\" would tack Personal: and --account \"tag('VAT')\" would tack the value of the VAT tag to the begin- ning of every account reported in a balance or register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l value-expr -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Set a global value expression annotation."
complete -f -c ledger -l only -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "This is a postings predicate that applies after certain trans- forms have been executed, such as periodic gathering."
complete -f -c ledger -l group-by -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Group transaction together in the register report.  EXPR can be anything, although most common would be payee or commodity.  The tag() function is also useful here."
complete -f -c ledger -l forecast-while -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Continue forecasting while VEXPR is true.  Alias for --forecast."
complete -f -c ledger -l display-total -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Apply a transformation to the displayed total.  This occurs after calculations occur."
complete -f -c ledger -l display-amount -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Apply a transformation to the displayed amount.  This occurs after calculations occur."
complete -f -c ledger -l date -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Transform the date of the transaction using EXPR."
complete -f -c ledger -l bold-if -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Print the entire line in bold if the given value expression is true."
complete -f -c ledger -l group-title-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Set the format for the headers that separate reports section of a grouped report.  Only has effect with a --group-by EXPR regis- ter report."
complete -f -c ledger -l register-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Define the output format for the register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l pricedb-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Set the format expected for the historical price file."
complete -f -c ledger -l prices-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Set the format for the prices report."
complete -f -c ledger -l prepend-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Prepend FMT to every line of the output."
complete -f -c ledger -l plot-total-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Define the output format for a total data plot."
complete -f -c ledger -l plot-amount-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Define the output format for an amount data plot."
complete -f -c ledger -l csv-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Format csv report according to FMT."
complete -f -c ledger -l cleared-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Specify the format to use for the cleared report"
complete -f -c ledger -l budget-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Specify the format to use for the budget report."
complete -f -c ledger -l balance-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Specify the format to use for the balance report."
complete -f -c ledger -l account-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Set the width of the account column in the register report to INT characters."
complete -f -c ledger -l trace -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Enable tracing.  The INT specifies the level of trace desired."
complete -f -c ledger -l total-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Set the width of the total field in the register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l tail -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Report only the last INT entries.  Only useful on a register report.  Alias for --last INT"
complete -f -c ledger -l seed -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Set the random seed to INT for the generate command.  Used as part of development testing."
complete -f -c ledger -l prepend-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Reserve INT spaces at the beginning of each line of the output."
complete -f -c ledger -l payee-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Set the number of columns dedicated to the payee in the register report to INT."
complete -f -c ledger -l meta-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Specify the width of the Meta column used for the --meta TAG options."
complete -f -c ledger -l last -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Report only the last INT entries.  Opposite of --first INT.  Only useful on a register report.  Alias for --tail."
complete -f -c ledger -l head -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Print the first INT entries.  Opposite of --tail INT.  Alias for --first"
complete -f -c ledger -l forecast-years -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Forecast at most INT years into the future."
complete -f -c ledger -l first -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Print the first INT entries.  Opposite of --last INT.  Alias for --head."
complete -f -c ledger -l depth -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Limit the depth of the account tree.  In a balance report, for example, --depth 2 will print balances only for accounts with two levels, i.e.	Expenses:Entertainment but not Expenses:Entertainment:Dining.  This is a display predicate, which means it only affects display, not the total calculations."
complete -f -c ledger -l date-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Specify the width, in characters, of the date column in the register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l columns -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Make the register report INT characters wide.  By default ledger will use all available columns in your terminal."
complete -f -c ledger -l amount-width -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Set the width in characters of the amount column in the register report."
complete -f -c ledger -l datetime-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATETIMEFMT)" -d "Print datetimes using DATETIMEFMT.  Refer to strftime(3) for details on the format string syntax."
complete -f -c ledger -l debug -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "If ledger has been built with debug options this will provide extra data during the run."
complete -f -c ledger -l truncate -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Indicates how truncation should happen when the contents of col- umns exceed their width.	Valid arguments for STR are leading, middle, and trailing.  The default is smarter than any of these three, as it considers sub-names within the account name (that style is called \"abbreviate\")."
complete -f -c ledger -l start-of-week -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Use STR as the particular day of the week to start when using the --weekly option.  STR can be day names, their abbreviations like \"Mon\", or the weekday number starting at 0 for Sunday."
complete -f -c ledger -l pager -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Use STR as the pager program."
complete -f -c ledger -l meta -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "In the register report, prepend the transaction with the value of the given tag STR."
complete -f -c ledger -l master-account -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Prepend all account names with STR"
complete -f -c ledger -l inject -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Use STR amounts in calculations.	In case you know what amount a transaction should be, but the actual transaction has the wrong value you can use metadata STR to specify the expected amount."
complete -f -c ledger -l script -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Execute a ledger script."
complete -f -c ledger -l import -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Import FILE as Python module."
complete -f -c ledger -l input-date-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATEFMT)" -d "Specify the input date format for journal entries."
complete -f -c ledger -l now -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATE)" -d "Use DATE as the current date.  This affects the output when using --period, --begin, --end, or --current to decide which dates lie in the past or future."
complete -f -c ledger -l pivot -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args TAG)" -d "Produce a balance pivot report "around" the given TAG."

complete -f -c ledger -s T -l total -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Define a value expression used to calculate the total in reports."
complete -f -c ledger -s t -l amount -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Apply the given value expression to the posting amount.  Using --amount EXPR you can apply an arbitrary transformation to the postings."
complete -f -c ledger -s d -l display -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Display lines that satisfy the expression EXPR."
complete -f -c ledger -s l -l limit -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Limit postings in calculations."
complete -f -c ledger -s S -l sort -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args EXPR)" -d "Sort the register report based on the value expression EXPR."
complete -f -c ledger -s f -l file -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Read journal data from FILE."
complete -f -c ledger -s Z -l price-db -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Set the expected freshness of price quotes, in INT minutes.  That is, if the last known quote for any commodity is older than this value, and if --download is being used, then the Internet will be consulted again for a newer price.  Otherwise, the old price is still considered to be fresh enough.  Alias for --leeway."
complete -f -c ledger -s i -l init-file -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Read FILE before any other ledger file.  This file may not con- tain any postings, but it may contain option settings.  To spec- ify options in the init file, use the same syntax as the com- mand-line, but put each option on its own line."
complete -f -c ledger -s o -l output -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FILE)" -d "Redirect the output of ledger to FILE."
complete -f -c ledger -s Z -l price-exp -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args STR)" -d "Set the expected freshness of price quotes, in INT minutes.  That is, if the last known quote for any commodity is older than this value, and if --download is being used, then the Internet will be consulted again for a newer price.  Otherwise, the old price is still considered to be fresh enough.  Alias for --leeway."
complete -f -c ledger -s p -l period -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args PERIOD)" -d "Define a period expression that sets the time period during which transactions are to be accounted.  For a register report only the transactions that satisfy the period expression with be displayed.  For a balance report only those transactions will be accounted in the final balances."
complete -f -c ledger -s Z -l leeway -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args INT)" -d "Alias for --price-expr."
complete -f -c ledger -s F -l format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args FMT)" -d "Use the given format string FMT to print output."
complete -f -c ledger -s X -l exchange -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args COMMODITY)" -d "Display values in terms of the given COMMODITY.  The latest available price is used."
complete -f -c ledger -s e -l end -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATE)" -d "Constrain the report so that transactions on or after DATE are not considered."
complete -f -c ledger -s b -l begin -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATE)" -d "Specify the start DATE of all calculations.  Transactions before that date will be ignored."
complete -f -c ledger -s y -l date-format -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_opt_args DATEFMT)" -d "Print dates using DATEFMT.  Refer to strftime(3) for details on the format string syntax."

complete -f -c ledger -n '__fish_ledger_needs_command' -a '(__fish_complete_ledger_commands)'
complete -f -c ledger -n "__fish_ledger_command_is search" -a "(__fish_complete_ledger_expr all)"