""" Map leader to space --------------------- let mapleader=" " """ Plugins -------------------------------- set surround set commentary set NERDTree """ Common settings ------------------------- set showmode set so=5 set incsearch set nu set relativenumber set number """ Which-Key set which-key set timeoutlen=5000 """ Idea specific settings ------------------ set ideajoin """ Mappings -------------------------------- "" Quick action let g:WhichKeyDesc_quick_action = 'q Quick action' map q (ShowIntentionActions) "" Refactor binds let g:WhichKeyDesc_inline = 'i Inline' map i (Inline) let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract = 'e Extract' let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract_variable = 'ev Extract variable' map ev (IntroduceVariable) let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract_constant = 'ec Extract constant' map ec (IntroduceConstant) let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract_field = 'ef Extract field' map ef (IntroduceField) let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract_parameter = 'ep Extract parameter' map ep (IntroduceParameter) let g:WhichKeyDesc_extract_method = 'em Extract method' map em (ExtractMethod) let g:WhichKeyDesc_rename = 'r Rename' map r (RenameElement) "" Navigation let g:WhichKeyDesc_prev_buffer = ']b Previous buffer' map [b (PreviousTab) let g:WhichKeyDesc_next_buffer = ']b Next buffer' map ]b (NextTab) let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_impl = 'gI Goto implementation' map gI (GotoImplementation) let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_type = 'gt Goto type declaration' map gt (GotoTypeDeclaration) "" Other let g:WhichKeyDesc_terminal = 't Terminal' map t (ActivateTerminalToolWindow) map = (ReformatCode) "" Folding let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding = 'z Folding' let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_toggle = 'za Toggle fold' map za (ExpandCollapseToggleAction) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand = 'zr Fold less' map zr (ExpandRegion) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_collapse = 'zR Open all folds' map zR (ExpandAllRegions) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_collapse = 'zm Fold more' map zm (CollapseRegion) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_collapse = 'zM Close all folds' map zM (CollapseAllRegions) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_collapse_doc = 'zc Collapse doc comments' map zc (CollapseDocComments) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand_doc = 'zC Expand doc comments' map zC (ExpandDocComments) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand_level_one = 'z1 Expand all to level 1' map z1 (ExpandAllToLevel1) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand_level_two = 'z2 Expand all to level 2' map z2 (ExpandAllToLevel2) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand_level_three = 'z3 Expand all to level 3' map z3 (ExpandAllToLevel3) let g:WhichKeyDesc_folding_expand_level_four = 'z4 Expand all to level 4' map z4 (ExpandAllToLevel4)