require("mini.align").setup() require("mini.move").setup() require("mini.starter").setup() require("mini.statusline").setup({ content = { active = function() local mode, mode_hl = MiniStatusline.section_mode({ trunc_width = 120 }) local git = MiniStatusline.section_git({ trunc_width = 75 }) local diagnostics = MiniStatusline.section_diagnostics({ trunc_width = 75 }) local filename = MiniStatusline.section_filename({ trunc_width = 140 }) local fileinfo = MiniStatusline.section_fileinfo({ trunc_width = 120 }) local location = MiniStatusline.section_location({ trunc_width = 75 }) local mode_hl_inverse = mode_hl .. "Inverse" -- Usage of `MiniStatusline.combine_groups()` ensures highlighting and -- correct padding with spaces between groups (accounts for 'missing' -- sections, etc.) return MiniStatusline.combine_groups({ { hl = mode_hl_inverse, strings = {} }, "", { hl = mode_hl, strings = { mode } }, { hl = "MiniStatuslineDevinfo", strings = { git, diagnostics } }, "%<", -- Mark general truncate point { hl = "MiniStatuslineFilename", strings = { filename } }, "%=", -- End left alignment { hl = "MiniStatuslineFileinfo", strings = { fileinfo } }, { hl = mode_hl, strings = { location } }, { hl = mode_hl_inverse, strings = {} }, "", }) end, }, }) local MiniStatuslineModes = { "MiniStatuslineModeInsert", "MiniStatuslineModeNormal", "MiniStatuslineModeReplace", "MiniStatuslineModeVisual", "MiniStatuslineModeCommand", "MiniStatuslineModeOther", } for _, mode_hl in ipairs(MiniStatuslineModes) do local hl_table = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = mode_hl }) local fg = hl_table.fg hl_table.fg = = fg vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, mode_hl .. "Inverse", hl_table) end local animate = require("mini.animate") local animation = { timing = animate.gen_timing.quadratic({ duration = 100, unit = "total" }), } animate.setup({ cursor = animation, scroll = { enable = false }, resize = animation, open = animation, close = animation, })