#!/usr/bin/env bash baseuri="https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/download" latesturi="https://api.github.com/repos/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/latest" dstpath="$HOME/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d" latestversion="$(curl -s $latesturi | egrep -m1 "tag_name" | cut -d \" -f4)" if [[ -d $dstpath/Proton-$latestversion ]] then echo "Proton $latestversion is the latest version and is already installed." echo "Exiting..." exit 0 else echo "Proton $latestversion is the latest version and is not installed yet." echo "Installing Proton $latestverion" url=$(curl -s $latesturi | egrep -m1 "browser_download_url.*Proton" | cut -d \" -f4) fi rsp="$(curl -sI "$url" | head -1)" echo "$rsp" | grep -q 302 || { echo "$rsp" exit 1 } [ -d "$dstpath" ] || { mkdir "$dstpath" echo [Info] Created "$dstpath" } curl -sL "$url" | tar xfzv - -C "$dstpath"