const Spicetify = { get CosmosAPI() {return window.cosmos}, get BridgeAPI() {return window.bridge}, get LiveAPI() {return}, Player: { addEventListener: (type, callback) => { if (!(type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)) { Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type] = []; } Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type].push(callback) }, dispatchEvent: (event) => { if (!(event.type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)) { return true; } const stack = Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[event.type]; for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (typeof stack[i] === "function") { stack[i](event); } } return !event.defaultPrevented; }, eventListeners: {}, seek: (p) => { if (p <= 1) { p = Math.round(p * Spicetify.Player.origin.duration()); }; }, getProgress: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.progressbar.getRealValue(), getProgressPercent: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.progressbar.getPercentage(), getDuration: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.duration(), setVolume: (v) => { Spicetify.Player.origin.changeVolume(v, false) }, increaseVolume: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin.increaseVolume() }, decreaseVolume: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin.decreaseVolume() }, getVolume: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.volume(), next: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin._doSkipToNext() }, back: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin._doSkipToPrevious() }, togglePlay: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin._doTogglePlay() }, isPlaying: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.playing(), toggleShuffle: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin.toggleShuffle() }, getShuffle: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.shuffle(), setShuffle: (b) => { Spicetify.Player.origin.shuffle(b) }, toggleRepeat: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin.toggleRepeat() }, getRepeat: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.repeat(), setRepeat: (r) => { Spicetify.Player.origin.repeat(r) }, getMute: () => Spicetify.Player.origin.mute(), toggleMute: () => { Spicetify.Player.origin._doToggleMute() }, setMute: (b) => { Spicetify.Player.origin.changeVolume(Spicetify.Player.origin._unmutedVolume, b) }, formatTime: (ms) => Spicetify.Player.origin._formatTime(ms), getHeart: () => Spicetify.LiveAPI("added"), pause: () => {Spicetify.Player.isPlaying() && Spicetify.Player.togglePlay()}, play: () => {!Spicetify.Player.isPlaying() && Spicetify.Player.togglePlay()}, removeEventListener: (type, callback) => { if (!(type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)) { return; } const stack = Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type]; for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (stack[i] === callback) { stack.splice(i, 1); return; } } }, skipBack: (amount = 15e3) => { - amount)}, skipForward: (amount = 15e3) => { + amount)}, toggleHeart: () => {document.querySelector('[data-interaction-target="save-remove-button"]').click()}, }, showNotification: (text) => { Spicetify.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent( new Spicetify.Event(Spicetify.Event.TYPES.SHOW_NOTIFICATION_BUBBLE, { i18n: text, messageHtml: text }) ); }, test: () => { const SPICETIFY_METHOD = [ "Player", "addToQueue", "BridgeAPI", "CosmosAPI", "Event", "EventDispatcher", "getAudioData", "Keyboard", "URI", "LiveAPI", "LocalStorage", "PlaybackControl", "Queue", "removeFromQueue", "showNotification", "getAblumArtColors", "Menu", "ContextMenu", "Abba", ]; const PLAYER_METHOD = [ "addEventListener", "back", "data", "decreaseVolume", "dispatchEvent", "eventListeners", "formatTime", "getDuration", "getHeart", "getMute", "getProgress", "getProgressPercent", "getRepeat", "getShuffle", "getVolume", "increaseVolume", "isPlaying", "next", "pause", "play", "removeEventListener", "seek", "setMute", "setRepeat", "setShuffle", "setVolume", "skipBack", "skipForward", "toggleHeart", "toggleMute", "togglePlay", "toggleRepeat", "toggleShuffle", ] let count = SPICETIFY_METHOD.length; SPICETIFY_METHOD.forEach((method) => { if (Spicetify[method] === undefined || Spicetify[method] === null) { console.error(`Spicetify.${method} is not available. Please open an issue in Spicetify repository to inform me about it.`) count--; } }) console.log(`${count}/${SPICETIFY_METHOD.length} Spicetify methods and objects are OK.`) count = PLAYER_METHOD.length; PLAYER_METHOD.forEach((method) => { if (Spicetify.Player[method] === undefined || Spicetify.Player[method] === null) { console.error(`Spicetify.Player.${method} is not available. Please open an issue in Spicetify repository to inform me about it.`) count--; } }) console.log(`${count}/${PLAYER_METHOD.length} Spicetify.Player methods and objects are OK.`) } } Spicetify.URI = (function () { /** * Copyright (c) 2017 Spotify AB * * Fast base62 encoder/decoder. * * Usage: * * Base62.toHex('1C0pasJ0dS2Z46GKh2puYo') // -> '34ff970885ca8fa02c0d6e459377d5d0' * ^^^ * | * Length-22 base62-encoded ID. * Lengths other than 22 or invalid base62 IDs * are not supported. * * Base62.fromHex('34ff970885ca8fa02c0d6e459377d5d0') // -> '1C0pasJ0dS2Z46GKh2puYo' * ^^^ * | * Length-32 hex-encoded ID. * Lengths other than 32 are not supported. * * Written by @ludde, programatically tested and documented by @felipec. */ var Base62 = (function () { // Alphabets var HEX16 = '0123456789abcdef'; var BASE62 = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; // Hexadecimal fragments var HEX256 = []; HEX256.length = 256; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { HEX256[i] = HEX16[i >> 4] + HEX16[i & 0xf]; } // Look-up tables var ID62 = []; ID62.length = 128; for (var i = 0; i < BASE62.length; ++i) { ID62[BASE62.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } var ID16 = []; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ID16[HEX16.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ID16['ABCDEF'.charCodeAt(i)] = 10 + i; } return { toHex: function (s) { if (s.length !== 22) { // Can only parse base62 ids with length == 22. // Invalid base62 ids will lead to garbage in the output. return null; } // 1 / (2^32) var MAX_INT_INV = 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^32 var MAX_INT = 0x100000000; // 62^3 var P62_3 = 238328; var p0, p1, p2, p3; var v; // First 7 characters fit in 2^53 // prettier-ignore p0 = ID62[s.charCodeAt(0)] * 56800235584 + // * 62^6 ID62[s.charCodeAt(1)] * 916132832 + // * 62^5 ID62[s.charCodeAt(2)] * 14776336 + // * 62^4 ID62[s.charCodeAt(3)] * 238328 + // * 62^3 ID62[s.charCodeAt(4)] * 3844 + // * 62^2 ID62[s.charCodeAt(5)] * 62 + // * 62^1 ID62[s.charCodeAt(6)]; // * 62^0 p1 = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0; p0 -= p1 * MAX_INT; // 62^10 < 2^64 v = ID62[s.charCodeAt(7)] * 3844 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(8)] * 62 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(9)]; (p0 = p0 * P62_3 + v), (p0 = p0 - (v = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); p1 = p1 * P62_3 + v; // 62^13 < 2^96 v = ID62[s.charCodeAt(10)] * 3844 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(11)] * 62 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(12)]; (p0 = p0 * P62_3 + v), (p0 = p0 - (v = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p1 = p1 * P62_3 + v), (p1 = p1 - (v = (p1 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); p2 = v; // 62^16 < 2^96 v = ID62[s.charCodeAt(13)] * 3844 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(14)] * 62 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(15)]; (p0 = p0 * P62_3 + v), (p0 = p0 - (v = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p1 = p1 * P62_3 + v), (p1 = p1 - (v = (p1 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); p2 = p2 * P62_3 + v; // 62^19 < 2^128 v = ID62[s.charCodeAt(16)] * 3844 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(17)] * 62 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(18)]; (p0 = p0 * P62_3 + v), (p0 = p0 - (v = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p1 = p1 * P62_3 + v), (p1 = p1 - (v = (p1 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p2 = p2 * P62_3 + v), (p2 = p2 - (v = (p2 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); p3 = v; v = ID62[s.charCodeAt(19)] * 3844 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(20)] * 62 + ID62[s.charCodeAt(21)]; (p0 = p0 * P62_3 + v), (p0 = p0 - (v = (p0 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p1 = p1 * P62_3 + v), (p1 = p1 - (v = (p1 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p2 = p2 * P62_3 + v), (p2 = p2 - (v = (p2 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); (p3 = p3 * P62_3 + v), (p3 = p3 - (v = (p3 * MAX_INT_INV) | 0) * MAX_INT); if (v) { // carry not allowed return null; } // prettier-ignore return HEX256[p3 >>> 24] + HEX256[(p3 >>> 16) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p3 >>> 8) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p3) & 0xFF] + HEX256[p2 >>> 24] + HEX256[(p2 >>> 16) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p2 >>> 8) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p2) & 0xFF] + HEX256[p1 >>> 24] + HEX256[(p1 >>> 16) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p1 >>> 8) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p1) & 0xFF] + HEX256[p0 >>> 24] + HEX256[(p0 >>> 16) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p0 >>> 8) & 0xFF] + HEX256[(p0) & 0xFF]; }, fromHex: function (s) { var i; var p0 = 0, p1 = 0, p2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) p2 = p2 * 16 + ID16[s.charCodeAt(i)]; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) p1 = p1 * 16 + ID16[s.charCodeAt(i + 10)]; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) p0 = p0 * 16 + ID16[s.charCodeAt(i + 21)]; if (isNaN(p0 + p1 + p2)) { return null; } var P16_11 = 17592186044416; // 16^11 var INV_62 = 1.0 / 62; var acc; var ret = ''; i = 0; for (; i < 7; ++i) { acc = p2; p2 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); acc = (acc - p2 * 62) * P16_11 + p1; p1 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); acc = (acc - p1 * 62) * P16_11 + p0; p0 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); ret = BASE62[acc - p0 * 62] + ret; } p1 += p2 * P16_11; for (; i < 15; ++i) { acc = p1; p1 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); acc = (acc - p1 * 62) * P16_11 + p0; p0 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); ret = BASE62[acc - p0 * 62] + ret; } p0 += p1 * P16_11; for (; i < 21; ++i) { acc = p0; p0 = Math.floor(acc * INV_62); ret = BASE62[acc - p0 * 62] + ret; } return BASE62[p0] + ret; }, // Expose the lookup tables HEX256: HEX256, // number -> 'hh' ID16: ID16, // hexadecimal char code -> 0..15 ID62: ID62, // base62 char code -> 0..61 }; })(); /** * The URI prefix for URIs. * * @const * @private */ var URI_PREFIX = 'spotify:'; /** * The URL prefix for Play. * * @const * @private */ var PLAY_HTTP_PREFIX = ''; /** * The HTTPS URL prefix for Play. * * @const * @private */ var PLAY_HTTPS_PREFIX = ''; /** * The URL prefix for Open. * * @const * @private */ var OPEN_HTTP_PREFIX = ''; /** * The HTTPS URL prefix for Open. * * @const * @private */ var OPEN_HTTPS_PREFIX = ''; var ERROR_INVALID = new TypeError('Invalid Spotify URI!'); var ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = new TypeError('Not implemented!'); /** * The format for the URI to parse. * * @enum {number} * @private */ var Format = { URI: 0, URL: 1 }; /** * Represents the result of a URI splitting operation. * * @typedef {{ * format: Format, * components: Array. * }} * @see _splitIntoComponents * @private */ var SplittedURI; /** * Split an string URI or HTTP/HTTPS URL into components, skipping the prefix. * * @param {string} str A string URI to split. * @return {SplittedURI} The parsed URI. * @private */ var _splitIntoComponents = function (str) { var components; var format; var query; var anchor; var querySplit = str.split('?'); if (querySplit.length > 1) { str = querySplit.shift(); query = querySplit.pop(); var queryHashSplit = query.split('#'); if (queryHashSplit.length > 1) { query = queryHashSplit.shift(); anchor = queryHashSplit.pop(); } query = decodeQueryString(query); } var hashSplit = str.split('#'); if (hashSplit.length > 1) { // first token str = hashSplit.shift(); // last token anchor = hashSplit.pop(); } if (str.indexOf(URI_PREFIX) === 0) { components = str.slice(URI_PREFIX.length).split(':'); format = Format.URI; } else { // For HTTP URLs, ignore any query string argument str = str.split('?')[0]; if (str.indexOf(PLAY_HTTP_PREFIX) === 0) { components = str.slice(PLAY_HTTP_PREFIX.length).split('/'); } else if (str.indexOf(PLAY_HTTPS_PREFIX) === 0) { components = str.slice(PLAY_HTTPS_PREFIX.length).split('/'); } else if (str.indexOf(OPEN_HTTP_PREFIX) === 0) { components = str.slice(OPEN_HTTP_PREFIX.length).split('/'); } else if (str.indexOf(OPEN_HTTPS_PREFIX) === 0) { components = str.slice(OPEN_HTTPS_PREFIX.length).split('/'); } else { throw ERROR_INVALID; } format = Format.URL; } if (anchor) { components.push(anchor); } return { format: format, components: components, query: query }; }; /** * Encodes a component according to a format. * * @param {string} component A component string. * @param {Format} format A format. * @return {string} An encoded component string. * @private */ var _encodeComponent = function (component, format) { component = encodeURIComponent(component); if (format === Format.URI) { component = component.replace(/%20/g, '+'); } // encode characters that are not encoded by default by encodeURIComponent // but that the Spotify URI spec encodes: !'*() component = component.replace(/[!'()]/g, escape); component = component.replace(/\*/g, '%2A'); return component; }; /** * Decodes a component according to a format. * * @param {string} component An encoded component string. * @param {Format} format A format. * @return {string} An decoded component string. * @private */ var _decodeComponent = function (component, format) { var part = format == Format.URI ? component.replace(/\+/g, '%20') : component; return decodeURIComponent(part); }; /** * Returns the components of a URI as an array. * * @param {URI} uri A uri. * @param {Format} format The output format. * @return {Array.} An array of uri components. * @private */ var _getComponents = function (uri, format) { var base62; if ( { base62 = uri._base62Id; } var components; var i; var len; switch (uri.type) { case URI.Type.ALBUM: components = [URI.Type.ALBUM, base62]; if (uri.disc) { components.push(uri.disc); } return components; case URI.Type.AD: return [URI.Type.AD, uri._base62Id]; case URI.Type.ARTIST: return [URI.Type.ARTIST, base62]; case URI.Type.ARTIST_TOPLIST: return [URI.Type.ARTIST, base62, URI.Type.TOP, uri.toplist]; case URI.Type.DAILY_MIX: return [URI.Type.DAILY_MIX, base62]; case URI.Type.SEARCH: return [URI.Type.SEARCH, _encodeComponent(uri.query, format)]; case URI.Type.TRACK: if (uri.context || { base62 += encodeQueryString({ context: uri.context, play: }); } if (uri.anchor) { base62 += '#' + uri.anchor; } return [URI.Type.TRACK, base62]; case URI.Type.TRACKSET: var trackIds = []; for (i = 0, len = uri.tracks.length; i < len; i++) { trackIds.push(uri.tracks[i]._base62Id); } trackIds = [trackIds.join(',')]; // Index can be 0 sometimes (required for trackset) if (uri.index !== null) { trackIds.push('#', uri.index); } return [URI.Type.TRACKSET, _encodeComponent(].concat(trackIds); case URI.Type.FACEBOOK: return [URI.Type.USER, URI.Type.FACEBOOK, uri.uid]; case URI.Type.AUDIO_FILE: return [URI.Type.AUDIO_FILE, uri.extension, uri._base62Id]; case URI.Type.FOLDER: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.FOLDER, uri._base62Id]; case URI.Type.FOLLOWERS: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.FOLLOWERS]; case URI.Type.FOLLOWING: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.FOLLOWING]; case URI.Type.PLAYLIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.PLAYLIST, base62]; case URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2: return [URI.Type.PLAYLIST, base62]; case URI.Type.STARRED: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.STARRED]; case URI.Type.TEMP_PLAYLIST: return [URI.Type.TEMP_PLAYLIST, uri.origin,]; case URI.Type.CONTEXT_GROUP: return [URI.Type.CONTEXT_GROUP, uri.origin,]; case URI.Type.USER_TOPLIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.TOP, uri.toplist]; // Legacy Toplist case URI.Type.USER_TOP_TRACKS: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.TOPLIST]; case URI.Type.TOPLIST: return [URI.Type.TOP, uri.toplist].concat( ? [URI.Type.GLOBAL] : ['country',]); case URI.Type.INBOX: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.INBOX]; case URI.Type.ROOTLIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.ROOTLIST]; case URI.Type.PUBLISHED_ROOTLIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.PUBLISHED_ROOTLIST]; case URI.Type.COLLECTION_TRACK_LIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.COLLECTION_TRACK_LIST, base62]; case URI.Type.PROFILE: if (uri.args && uri.args.length > 0) return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format)].concat(uri.args); return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format)]; case URI.Type.LOCAL_ARTIST: return [URI.Type.LOCAL, _encodeComponent(uri.artist, format)]; case URI.Type.LOCAL_ALBUM: return [URI.Type.LOCAL, _encodeComponent(uri.artist, format), _encodeComponent(uri.album, format)]; case URI.Type.LOCAL: return [URI.Type.LOCAL, _encodeComponent(uri.artist, format), _encodeComponent(uri.album, format), _encodeComponent(uri.track, format), uri.duration]; case URI.Type.LIBRARY: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.LIBRARY].concat(uri.category ? [uri.category] : []); case URI.Type.IMAGE: return [URI.Type.IMAGE, uri._base62Id]; case URI.Type.MOSAIC: components = uri.ids.slice(0); components.unshift(URI.Type.MOSAIC); return components; case URI.Type.RADIO: return [URI.Type.RADIO, uri.args]; case URI.Type.SPECIAL: components = [URI.Type.SPECIAL]; var args = uri.args || []; for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) components.push(_encodeComponent(args[i], format)); return components; case URI.Type.STATION: components = [URI.Type.STATION]; var args = uri.args || []; for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { components.push(_encodeComponent(args[i], format)); } return components; case URI.Type.APPLICATION: components = [URI.Type.APP, uri._base62Id]; var args = uri.args || []; for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) components.push(_encodeComponent(args[i], format)); return components; case URI.Type.COLLECTION_ALBUM: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.COLLECTION, URI.Type.ALBUM, base62]; case URI.Type.COLLECTION_MISSING_ALBUM: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.COLLECTION, URI.Type.ALBUM, base62, 'missing']; case URI.Type.COLLECTION_ARTIST: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.COLLECTION, URI.Type.ARTIST, base62]; case URI.Type.COLLECTION: return [URI.Type.USER, _encodeComponent(uri.username, format), URI.Type.COLLECTION].concat(uri.category ? [uri.category] : []); case URI.Type.EPISODE: if (uri.context || { base62 += encodeQueryString({ context: uri.context, play: }); } return [URI.Type.EPISODE, base62]; case URI.Type.SHOW: return [URI.Type.SHOW, base62]; case URI.Type.CONCERT: return [URI.Type.CONCERT, base62]; default: throw ERROR_INVALID; } }; var encodeQueryString = function (values) { var str = '?'; for (var i in values) { if (values.hasOwnProperty(i) && values[i] !== undefined) { if (str.length > 1) { str += '&'; } str += i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(values[i]); } } return str; }; var decodeQueryString = function (str) { return str.split('&').reduce(function (object, pair) { pair = pair.split('='); object[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); return object; }, {}); }; /** * Parses the components of a URI into a real URI object. * * @param {Array.} components The components of the URI as a string * array. * @param {Format} format The format of the source string. * @return {URI} The URI object. * @private */ var _parseFromComponents = function (components, format, query) { var _current = 0; query = query || {}; var _getNextComponent = function () { return components[_current++]; }; var _getIdComponent = function () { var component = _getNextComponent(); if (component.length > 22) { throw new Error('Invalid ID'); } return component; }; var _getRemainingComponents = function () { return components.slice(_current); }; var _getRemainingString = function () { var separator = (format == Format.URI) ? ':' : '/'; return components.slice(_current).join(separator); }; var part = _getNextComponent(); var id; var i; var len; switch (part) { case URI.Type.ALBUM: return URI.albumURI(_getIdComponent(), parseInt(_getNextComponent(), 10)); case URI.Type.AD: return URI.adURI(_getNextComponent()); case URI.Type.ARTIST: id = _getIdComponent(); if (_getNextComponent() == URI.Type.TOP) { return URI.artistToplistURI(id, _getNextComponent()); } else { return URI.artistURI(id); } case URI.Type.AUDIO_FILE: return URI.audioFileURI(_getNextComponent(), _getNextComponent()); case URI.Type.DAILY_MIX: return URI.dailyMixURI(_getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.TEMP_PLAYLIST: return URI.temporaryPlaylistURI(_getNextComponent(), _getRemainingString()); case URI.Type.PLAYLIST: return URI.playlistV2URI(_getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.SEARCH: return URI.searchURI(_decodeComponent(_getRemainingString(), format)); case URI.Type.TRACK: return URI.trackURI(_getIdComponent(), _getNextComponent(), query.context,; case URI.Type.TRACKSET: var name = _decodeComponent(_getNextComponent()); var tracksArray = _getNextComponent(); var hashSign = _getNextComponent(); var index = parseInt(_getNextComponent(), 10); // Sanity check: %23 is URL code for "#" if (hashSign !== '%23' || isNaN(index)) { index = null; } var tracksetTracks = []; if (tracksArray) { tracksArray = _decodeComponent(tracksArray).split(','); for (i = 0, len = tracksArray.length; i < len; i++) { var trackId = tracksArray[i]; tracksetTracks.push(URI.trackURI(trackId)); } } return URI.tracksetURI(tracksetTracks, name, index); case URI.Type.CONTEXT_GROUP: return URI.contextGroupURI(_getNextComponent(), _getNextComponent()); case URI.Type.TOP: var type = _getNextComponent(); if (_getNextComponent() == URI.Type.GLOBAL) { return URI.toplistURI(type, null, true); } else { return URI.toplistURI(type, _getNextComponent(), false); } case URI.Type.USER: var username = _decodeComponent(_getNextComponent(), format); var text = _getNextComponent(); if (username == URI.Type.FACEBOOK && text != null) { return URI.facebookURI(parseInt(text, 10)); } else if (text != null) { switch (text) { case URI.Type.PLAYLIST: return URI.playlistURI(username, _getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.FOLDER: return URI.folderURI(username, _getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.COLLECTION_TRACK_LIST: return URI.collectionTrackList(username, _getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.COLLECTION: var collectionItemType = _getNextComponent(); switch (collectionItemType) { case URI.Type.ALBUM: id = _getIdComponent(); if (_getNextComponent() === 'missing') { return URI.collectionMissingAlbumURI(username, id); } else { return URI.collectionAlbumURI(username, id); } case URI.Type.ARTIST: return URI.collectionArtistURI(username, _getIdComponent()); default: return URI.collectionURI(username, collectionItemType); } case URI.Type.STARRED: return URI.starredURI(username); case URI.Type.FOLLOWERS: return URI.followersURI(username); case URI.Type.FOLLOWING: return URI.followingURI(username); case URI.Type.TOP: return URI.userToplistURI(username, _getNextComponent()); case URI.Type.INBOX: return URI.inboxURI(username); case URI.Type.ROOTLIST: return URI.rootlistURI(username); case URI.Type.PUBLISHED_ROOTLIST: return URI.publishedRootlistURI(username); case URI.Type.TOPLIST: // legacy toplist return URI.userTopTracksURI(username); case URI.Type.LIBRARY: return URI.libraryURI(username, _getNextComponent()); } } var rem = _getRemainingComponents(); if (text != null && rem.length > 0) { return URI.profileURI(username, [text].concat(rem)); } else if (text != null) { return URI.profileURI(username, [text]); } else { return URI.profileURI(username); } case URI.Type.LOCAL: var artistNameComponent = _getNextComponent(); var artistName = artistNameComponent && _decodeComponent(artistNameComponent, format); var albumNameComponent = _getNextComponent(); var albumName = albumNameComponent && _decodeComponent(albumNameComponent, format); var trackNameComponent = _getNextComponent(); var trackName = trackNameComponent && _decodeComponent(trackNameComponent, format); var durationComponent = _getNextComponent(); var duration = parseInt(durationComponent, 10); if (trackNameComponent !== undefined) { return URI.localURI(artistName, albumName, trackName, duration); } else if (albumNameComponent !== undefined) { return URI.localAlbumURI(artistName, albumName); } else { return URI.localArtistURI(artistName); } case URI.Type.IMAGE: return URI.imageURI(_getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.MOSAIC: return URI.mosaicURI(components.slice(_current)); case URI.Type.RADIO: return URI.radioURI(_getRemainingString()); case URI.Type.SPECIAL: var args = _getRemainingComponents(); for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) args[i] = _decodeComponent(args[i], format); return URI.specialURI(args); case URI.Type.STATION: return URI.stationURI(_getRemainingComponents()); case URI.Type.EPISODE: return URI.episodeURI(_getIdComponent(), query.context,; case URI.Type.SHOW: return URI.showURI(_getIdComponent()); case URI.Type.CONCERT: return URI.concertURI(_getIdComponent()); case '': break; default: if (part === URI.Type.APP) { id = _getNextComponent(); } else { id = part; } var decodedId = _decodeComponent(id, format); if (_encodeComponent(decodedId, format) !== id) { break; } var args = _getRemainingComponents(); for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) args[i] = _decodeComponent(args[i], format); return URI.applicationURI(decodedId, args); } throw ERROR_INVALID; }; /** * A class holding information about a uri. * * @constructor * @param {URI.Type} type * @param {Object} props */ function URI(type, props) { this.type = type; // Merge properties into URI object. for (var prop in props) { if (typeof props[prop] == 'function') { continue; } this[prop] = props[prop]; } } // Lazy convert the id to hexadecimal only when requested Object.defineProperty(URI.prototype, 'id', { get: function () { if (!this._hexId) { this._hexId = this._base62Id ? URI.idToHex(this._base62Id) : undefined; } return this._hexId; }, set: function (id) { this._base62Id = id ? URI.hexToId(id) : undefined; this._hexId = undefined; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); URI.prototype.toAppType = function () { if (this.type == URI.Type.APPLICATION) { return URI.applicationURI(, this.args); } else { var components = _getComponents(this, Format.URL); var id = components.shift(); var len = components.length; if (len) { while (len--) { components[len] = _decodeComponent(components[len], Format.URL); } } if (this.type == URI.Type.RADIO) { components = components.shift().split(':'); } var result = URI.applicationURI(id, components); return result; } }; URI.prototype.toRealType = function () { if (this.type == URI.Type.APPLICATION) { return _parseFromComponents([].concat(this.args), Format.URI); } else { return new URI(null, this); } }; URI.prototype.toURI = function () { return URI_PREFIX + _getComponents(this, Format.URI).join(':'); }; URI.prototype.toString = function () { return this.toURI(); }; URI.prototype.toURLPath = function (opt_leadingSlash) { var components = _getComponents(this, Format.URL); if (components[0] === URI.Type.APP) { components.shift(); } // Some URIs are allowed to have empty components. It should be investigated // whether we need to strip empty components at all from any URIs. For now, // we check specifically for tracksets and local tracks and strip empty // components for all other URIs. // // For tracksets, it's permissible to have a path that looks like // 'trackset//trackURI' because the identifier parameter for a trackset can // be blank. For local tracks, some metadata can be missing, like missing // album name would be 'spotify:local:artist::track:duration'. var isTrackset = components[0] === URI.Type.TRACKSET; var isLocalTrack = components[0] === URI.Type.LOCAL; var shouldStripEmptyComponents = !isTrackset && !isLocalTrack; if (shouldStripEmptyComponents) { var _temp = []; for (var i = 0, l = components.length; i < l; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (!!component) { _temp.push(component); } } components = _temp; } var path = components.join('/'); return opt_leadingSlash ? '/' + path : path; }; URI.prototype.toPlayURL = function () { return PLAY_HTTPS_PREFIX + this.toURLPath(); }; URI.prototype.toURL = function () { return this.toPlayURL(); }; URI.prototype.toOpenURL = function () { return OPEN_HTTPS_PREFIX + this.toURLPath(); }; URI.prototype.toSecurePlayURL = function () { return this.toPlayURL(); }; URI.prototype.toSecureURL = function () { return this.toPlayURL(); }; URI.prototype.toSecureOpenURL = function () { return this.toOpenURL(); }; URI.prototype.idToByteString = function () { var hexId = Base62.toHex(this._base62Id); if (!hexId) { var zero = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { zero += String.fromCharCode(0); } return zero; } var data = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) { var upper = Base62.ID16[hexId.charCodeAt(i)]; var lower = Base62.ID16[hexId.charCodeAt(i + 1)]; var byte = (upper << 4) + lower; data += String.fromCharCode(byte); } return data; }; URI.prototype.getPath = function () { var uri = this.toString().replace(/[#?].*/, ''); return uri; } URI.prototype.getBase62Id = function () { return this._base62Id; } URI.prototype.isSameIdentity = function (uri) { var uriObject = URI.from(uri); if (!uriObject) return false; if (this.toString() === uri.toString()) return true; if ( (this.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST || this.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2) && (uriObject.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST || uriObject.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2) ) { return ===; } else if (this.type === URI.Type.STATION && uriObject.type === URI.Type.STATION) { var thisStationContextUriObject = _parseFromComponents(this.args, Format.URI); return !!thisStationContextUriObject && thisStationContextUriObject.isSameIdentity( _parseFromComponents(uriObject.args, Format.URI) ); } else { return false; } } URI.Type = { EMPTY: 'empty', ALBUM: 'album', AD: 'ad', /** URI particle; not an actual URI. */ APP: 'app', APPLICATION: 'application', ARTIST: 'artist', ARTIST_TOPLIST: 'artist-toplist', AUDIO_FILE: 'audiofile', COLLECTION: 'collection', COLLECTION_ALBUM: 'collection-album', COLLECTION_MISSING_ALBUM: 'collection-missing-album', COLLECTION_ARTIST: 'collection-artist', CONTEXT_GROUP: 'context-group', DAILY_MIX: 'dailymix', EPISODE: 'episode', /** URI particle; not an actual URI. */ FACEBOOK: 'facebook', FOLDER: 'folder', FOLLOWERS: 'followers', FOLLOWING: 'following', /** URI particle; not an actual URI. */ GLOBAL: 'global', IMAGE: 'image', INBOX: 'inbox', LOCAL_ARTIST: 'local-artist', LOCAL_ALBUM: 'local-album', LOCAL: 'local', LIBRARY: 'library', MOSAIC: 'mosaic', PLAYLIST: 'playlist', /** Only used for URI classification. Not a valid URI fragment. */ PLAYLIST_V2: 'playlist-v2', PROFILE: 'profile', PUBLISHED_ROOTLIST: 'published-rootlist', RADIO: 'radio', ROOTLIST: 'rootlist', COLLECTION_TRACK_LIST: 'collectiontracklist', SEARCH: 'search', SHOW: 'show', CONCERT: 'concert', SPECIAL: 'special', STARRED: 'starred', STATION: 'station', TEMP_PLAYLIST: 'temp-playlist', /** URI particle; not an actual URI. */ TOP: 'top', TOPLIST: 'toplist', TRACK: 'track', TRACKSET: 'trackset', /** URI particle; not an actual URI. */ USER: 'user', USER_TOPLIST: 'user-toplist', USER_TOP_TRACKS: 'user-top-tracks', /** Deprecated contant. Please use USER_TOP_TRACKS. */ USET_TOP_TRACKS: 'user-top-tracks' }; URI.fromString = function (str) { var splitted = _splitIntoComponents(str); return _parseFromComponents(splitted.components, splitted.format, splitted.query); }; URI.from = function (value) { try { if (value instanceof URI) { return value; } if (typeof value == 'object' && value.type) { return new URI(null, value); } return URI.fromString(value.toString()); } catch (e) { return null; } }; URI.fromByteString = function (type, idByteString, opt_args) { while (idByteString.length != 16) { idByteString = String.fromCharCode(0) + idByteString; } var hexId = ''; for (var i = 0; i < idByteString.length; i++) { var byte = idByteString.charCodeAt(i); hexId += Base62.HEX256[byte]; } var id = Base62.fromHex(hexId); var args = opt_args || {}; = id; return new URI(type, args); }; URI.clone = function (uri) { if (!(uri instanceof URI)) { return null; } return new URI(null, uri); }; URI.getCanonicalUsername = function (username) { return _encodeComponent(username, Format.URI); }; URI.getDisplayUsername = function (username) { return _decodeComponent(username, Format.URI); }; URI.idToHex = function (id) { if (id.length == 22) { return Base62.toHex(id); } return id; }; URI.hexToId = function (hex) { if (hex.length == 32) { return Base62.fromHex(hex); } return hex; }; URI.emptyURI = function () { return new URI(URI.Type.EMPTY, {}); }; URI.albumURI = function (id, disc) { return new URI(URI.Type.ALBUM, { id: id, disc: disc }); }; URI.adURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.AD, { id: id }); }; URI.audioFileURI = function (extension, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.AUDIO_FILE, { id: id, extension: extension }); }; URI.artistURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.ARTIST, { id: id }); }; URI.artistToplistURI = function (id, toplist) { return new URI(URI.Type.ARTIST_TOPLIST, { id: id, toplist: toplist }); }; URI.dailyMixURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.DAILY_MIX, { id: id }); }; URI.searchURI = function (query) { return new URI(URI.Type.SEARCH, { query: query }); }; URI.trackURI = function (id, anchor, context, play) { return new URI(URI.Type.TRACK, { id: id, anchor: anchor, context: context ? URI.fromString(context) : context, play: play }); }; URI.tracksetURI = function (tracks, name, index) { return new URI(URI.Type.TRACKSET, { tracks: tracks, name: name || '', index: isNaN(index) ? null : index }); }; URI.facebookURI = function (uid) { return new URI(URI.Type.FACEBOOK, { uid: uid }); }; URI.followersURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.FOLLOWERS, { username: username }); }; URI.followingURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.FOLLOWING, { username: username }); }; URI.playlistURI = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.PLAYLIST, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.playlistV2URI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2, { id: id }); }; URI.folderURI = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.FOLDER, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.collectionTrackList = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.COLLECTION_TRACK_LIST, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.starredURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.STARRED, { username: username }); }; URI.userToplistURI = function (username, toplist) { return new URI(URI.Type.USER_TOPLIST, { username: username, toplist: toplist }); }; URI.userTopTracksURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.USER_TOP_TRACKS, { username: username }); }; URI.toplistURI = function (toplist, country, global) { return new URI(URI.Type.TOPLIST, { toplist: toplist, country: country, global: !!global }); }; URI.inboxURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.INBOX, { username: username }); }; URI.rootlistURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.ROOTLIST, { username: username }); }; URI.publishedRootlistURI = function (username) { return new URI(URI.Type.PUBLISHED_ROOTLIST, { username: username }); }; URI.localArtistURI = function (artist) { return new URI(URI.Type.LOCAL_ARTIST, { artist: artist }); }; URI.localAlbumURI = function (artist, album) { return new URI(URI.Type.LOCAL_ALBUM, { artist: artist, album: album }); }; URI.localURI = function (artist, album, track, duration) { return new URI(URI.Type.LOCAL, { artist: artist, album: album, track: track, duration: duration }); }; URI.libraryURI = function (username, category) { return new URI(URI.Type.LIBRARY, { username: username, category: category }); }; URI.collectionURI = function (username, category) { return new URI(URI.Type.COLLECTION, { username: username, category: category }); }; URI.temporaryPlaylistURI = function (origin, data) { return new URI(URI.Type.TEMP_PLAYLIST, { origin: origin, data: data }); }; URI.contextGroupURI = function (origin, name) { return new URI(URI.Type.CONTEXT_GROUP, { origin: origin, name: name }); }; URI.profileURI = function (username, args) { return new URI(URI.Type.PROFILE, { username: username, args: args }); }; URI.imageURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.IMAGE, { id: id }); }; URI.mosaicURI = function (ids) { return new URI(URI.Type.MOSAIC, { ids: ids }); }; URI.radioURI = function (args) { args = typeof args === 'undefined' ? '' : args; return new URI(URI.Type.RADIO, { args: args }); }; URI.specialURI = function (args) { args = typeof args === 'undefined' ? [] : args; return new URI(URI.Type.SPECIAL, { args: args }); }; URI.stationURI = function (args) { args = typeof args === 'undefined' ? [] : args; return new URI(URI.Type.STATION, { args: args }); }; URI.applicationURI = function (id, args) { args = typeof args === 'undefined' ? [] : args; return new URI(URI.Type.APPLICATION, { id: id, args: args }); }; URI.collectionAlbumURI = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.COLLECTION_ALBUM, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.collectionMissingAlbumURI = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.COLLECTION_MISSING_ALBUM, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.collectionArtistURI = function (username, id) { return new URI(URI.Type.COLLECTION_ARTIST, { username: username, id: id }); }; URI.episodeURI = function (id, context, play) { return new URI(URI.Type.EPISODE, { id: id, context: context ? URI.fromString(context) : context, play: play }); }; URI.showURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.SHOW, { id: id }); }; URI.concertURI = function (id) { return new URI(URI.Type.CONCERT, { id: id }); }; URI.isAlbum = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.ALBUM; }; URI.isAd = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.AD; }; URI.isApplication = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.APPLICATION; }; URI.isArtist = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.ARTIST; }; URI.isCollection = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.COLLECTION; }; URI.isCollectionAlbum = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.COLLECTION_ALBUM; }; URI.isCollectionArtist = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.COLLECTION_ARTIST; }; URI.isDailyMix = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.DAILY_MIX; }; URI.isEpisode = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.EPISODE; }; URI.isFacebook = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.FACEBOOK; }; URI.isFolder = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.FOLDER; }; URI.isLocalArtist = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.LOCAL_ARTIST; }; URI.isLocalAlbum = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.LOCAL_ALBUM; }; URI.isLocalTrack = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.LOCAL; }; URI.isMosaic = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.MOSAIC; }; URI.isPlaylistV1 = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST; }; URI.isPlaylistV2 = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2; }; URI.isRadio = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.RADIO; }; URI.isRootlist = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.ROOTLIST; }; URI.isSearch = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.SEARCH; }; URI.isShow = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.SHOW; }; URI.isConcert = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.CONCERT; }; URI.isStation = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.STATION; }; URI.isTrack = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.TRACK; }; URI.isProfile = function (uri) { return (URI.from(uri) || {}).type === URI.Type.PROFILE; }; URI.isPlaylistV1OrV2 = function (uri) { var uriObject = URI.from(uri); return !!uriObject && (uriObject.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST || uriObject.type === URI.Type.PLAYLIST_V2); }; /** * Export public interface */ return URI; })(); Spicetify.getAudioData = (uri) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uri = uri ||; const uriObj = Spicetify.URI.from(uri); if (!uriObj && uriObj.Type !== Spicetify.URI.Type.TRACK) { reject("URI is invalid."); return; } Spicetify.CosmosAPI.resolver.get( `hm://audio-attributes/v1/audio-analysis/${uriObj.getBase62Id()}`, (error, payload) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(payload.getJSONBody()); }) }); } Spicetify.colorExtractor = (uri) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Spicetify.CosmosAPI.resolver.get( `hm://colorextractor/v1/extract-presets?uri=${uri}&format=json`, (error, payload) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } const body = payload.getJSONBody(); if (body.entries && body.entries.length) { const list = {}; for (const color of body.entries[0].color_swatches) { list[color.preset] = `#${color.color.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}`; } resolve(list); } else { resolve(null); } } ); }); } Spicetify.getAblumArtColors = async (uri) => { uri = uri ||; return await Spicetify.colorExtractor(uri); } Spicetify.Menu = (function() { const collection = new Set(); const _hook = function(menuReact, itemReact, subMenuReact ) { function createSingleItem(item) { return menuReact.createElement(itemReact, { label:, isChecked: item.isEnabled, name: "spicetify-hook", onClick: item.onClick, }); } const result = []; for (const item of collection) { let reactComp; if (item.subItems) { reactComp = menuReact.createElement(itemReact, { label: }, menuReact.createElement(subMenuReact, { isSubmenu: true }, ) ); } else { reactComp = createSingleItem(item); } result.push(reactComp); } return result; } class Item { constructor(name, isEnabled, onClick) { = name; this.isEnabled = isEnabled; this.onClick = () => {onClick(this)}; } setState(isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = isEnabled; } setName(name) { = name } register() { collection.add(this); } deregister() { collection.delete(this); } } class SubMenu { constructor(name, subItems) { = name; this.subItems = subItems; } setName(name) { = name; } register() { collection.add(this); } deregister() { collection.delete(this); } } return { Item, SubMenu, _hook } })(); Spicetify.ContextMenu = (function () { let itemList = new Set(); const iconList = ["add-to-playlist", "add-to-queue", "addfollow", "addfollowers", "addsuggestedsong", "airplay", "album", "album-contained", "arrow-down", "arrow-left", "arrow-right", "arrow-up", "artist", "artist-active", "attach", "available-offline", "ban", "ban-active", "block", "bluetooth", "browse", "browse-active", "camera", "carplay", "chart-down", "chart-new", "chart-up", "check", "check-alt", "chevron-down", "chevron-left", "chevron-right", "chevron-up", "chromecast-connected", "chromecast-connecting-one", "chromecast-connecting-three", "chromecast-connecting-two", "chromecast-disconnected", "collaborative-playlist", "collection", "collection-active", "connect-to-devices", "copy", "destination-pin", "device-arm", "device-car", "device-computer", "device-mobile", "device-multispeaker", "device-other", "device-speaker", "device-tablet", "device-tv", "devices", "devices-alt", "discover", "download", "downloaded", "drag-and-drop", "edit", "email", "events", "facebook", "facebook-messenger", "filter", "flag", "follow", "fullscreen", "games-console", "gears", "googleplus", "grid-view", "headphones", "heart", "heart-active", "helpcircle", "highlight", "home", "home-active", "inbox", "info", "instagram", "library", "lightning", "line", "list-view", "localfile", "locked", "locked-active", "lyrics", "make—available-offline", "menu", "messages", "mic", "minimise", "mix", "more", "more-android", "new-spotify-connect", "new-volume", "newradio", "nikeplus", "notifications", "now-playing", "now-playing-active", "offline", "offline-sync", "pause", "payment", "paymenthistory", "play", "playback-speed-0point5x", "playback-speed-0point8x", "playback-speed-1point2x", "playback-speed-1point5x", "playback-speed-1x", "playback-speed-2x", "playback-speed-3x", "playlist", "playlist-folder", "plus", "plus-2px", "plus-alt", "podcasts", "podcasts-active", "public", "queue", "radio", "radio-active", "radioqueue", "redeem", "refresh", "released", "repeat", "repeatonce", "report-abuse", "running", "search", "search-active", "sendto", "share", "share-android", "sharetofollowers", "shows", "shuffle", "skip-back", "skip-forward", "skipback15", "skipforward15", "sleeptimer", "sms", "sort", "sortdown", "sortup", "spotify-connect", "spotify-connect-alt", "spotifylogo", "spotifypremium", "star", "star-alt", "subtitles", "tag", "thumbs-down", "thumbs-up", "time", "topcountry", "track", "trending", "trending-active", "tumblr", "twitter", "user", "user-active", "user-alt", "user-circle", "video", "volume", "volume-off", "volume-onewave", "volume-twowave", "warning", "watch", "whatsapp", "x", "settings"]; class Item { constructor(name, onClick, shouldAdd = (uris) => true, icon = undefined) { = name; this.onClick = onClick; this.shouldAdd = shouldAdd; if (icon) this.icon = icon; } set name(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { throw "Spicetify.ContextMenu.Item: name is not a string"; } this._name = text; } set shouldAdd(func) { if (typeof func == "function") { this._shouldAdd = func.bind(this); } else { throw "Spicetify.ContextMenu.Item: shouldAdd is not a function"; } } set onClick(func) { if (typeof func == "function") { this._onClick = func.bind(this); } else { throw "Spicetify.ContextMenu.Item: onClick is not a function"; } } set icon(name) { if (!name) { this._icon = null; return; } if (!Item.iconList.includes(name)) { throw `Spicetify.ContextMenu.Item: "${name}" is not a valid icon name.`; } this._icon = { type: "spoticon", value: name, }; } register() { itemList.add(this); } deregister() { itemList.remove(this); } } Item.iconList = iconList; class SubMenu { constructor(name, items, shouldAdd = (uris) => true, icon = undefined) { = name; this.items = items; this.shouldAdd = shouldAdd; if (icon) this.icon = icon; } set name(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { throw "Spicetify.ContextMenu.SubMenu: name is not a string"; } this._name = text; } set items(items) { this._items = new Set(items); } addItem(item) { this._items.add(item); } removeItem(item) { this._items.remove(item); } set shouldAdd(func) { if (typeof func == "function") { this._shouldAdd = func.bind(this); } else { throw "Spicetify.ContextMenu.SubMenu: shouldAdd is not a function"; } } set icon(name) { if (!name) { this._icon = null; return; } if (!SubMenu.iconList.includes()) { throw `Spicetify.ContextMenu.SubMenu: "${name}" is not a valid icon name.`; } this._icon = { type: "spoticon", value: name, }; } register() { itemList.add(this); } deregister() { itemList.remove(this); } } SubMenu.iconList = iconList; function _addItems(contextMenuInstance, uris) { for (const item of itemList) { if (!item._shouldAdd(uris)) { continue; } if (item._items) { const subItemsList = [] for (const subItem of item._items) { subItemsList.push({ fn: () => { subItem._onClick(uris); contextMenuInstance.hide(); }, icon: subItem._icon, id: "", text: subItem._name, }); } contextMenuInstance.addItem({ icon: item._icon, id: "", items: subItemsList, text: item._name, }); continue; } contextMenuInstance.addItem({ fn: () => { item._onClick(uris); contextMenuInstance.hide(); }, icon: item._icon, id: "", text: item._name, }) } } return { Item, SubMenu, _addItems }; })(); Spicetify.Abba = (function() { const STORAGE_KEY = "Spicetify.OverrideAbbaFlags"; const STORAGE =; const storedOverrideFlags = STORAGE.getItem(STORAGE_KEY); window.__spotify.product_state.abbaOverrides = storedOverrideFlags; let _overrideFlags; if (storedOverrideFlags) { try { _overrideFlags = JSON.parse(storedOverrideFlags); } catch { _overrideFlags = {}; } } else { _overrideFlags = {}; } function getFlag(name, callback) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { console.error("callback is not a function"); return; } if (typeof name === "string") { name = [name]; }{ url: "sp://abba/v1/flags", body: { flags: name } }, (error, res) => { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } callback(res.getJSONBody().flags); }); } function getInUseFlags(callback) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { console.error("callback is not a function"); return; } Spicetify.CosmosAPI.resolver.get("sp://abba/v1/requested_flag_names", (error, res) => { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } callback(res.getJSONBody()); }); } function getAllFlags(callback) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { console.error("callback is not a function"); return; } Spicetify.CosmosAPI.resolver.get("sp://abba/v1/all_flags", (error, res) => { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } callback(res.getJSONBody()); }); } function getOverrideFlags() { return _overrideFlags; } function _syncStorage() { const stringified = JSON.stringify(_overrideFlags); STORAGE.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, stringified); window.__spotify.product_state.abbaOverrides = stringified; } function addOverrideFlag(name, value) { _overrideFlags[name] = value; _syncStorage();"Please reload Spotify for overried flags to be effective") } function removeOverrideFlag(name) { if (_overrideFlags.hasOwnProperty(name)) { delete _overrideFlags[name]; _syncStorage();`Flag ${name} succesfully removed from Override Flags. Please reload Spotify.`); } } return { getFlag, getInUseFlags, getAllFlags, getOverrideFlags, addOverrideFlag, removeOverrideFlag, }; })(); // Put `Spicetify` object to `window` object so apps iframe could access to it via `` window.Spicetify = Spicetify;