
83 lines
2.1 KiB

{ pkgs, lib, inputs, ... }:
with builtins;
config.home-manager.users.moritz.programs.neovim.lazy.plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
plugin = which-key-nvim;
lazy = false;
conf = readFile ./lua/which-key-nvim.lua;
plugin = catppuccin-nvim;
conf = readFile ./lua/catppuccin-nvim.lua;
lazy = false;
priority = 99;
plugin = todo-comments-nvim;
dependencies = [{ plugin = plenary-nvim; }];
opts = { };
plugin = dressing-nvim;
event = [ "VeryLazy" ];
plugin = gitsigns-nvim;
event = [ "BufReadPost" "BufNewFile" ];
conf = readFile ./lua/gitsigns-nvim.lua;
dependencies = [{ plugin = which-key-nvim; }];
plugin = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
pname = "hawtkeys-nvim";
version = inputs.hawtkeys-nvim;
src = inputs.hawtkeys-nvim;
cmd = [ "Hawtkeys" "HawtkeysAll" "HawtkeysDupes" ];
opts = { };
dependencies = [
{ plugin = plenary-nvim; }
{ plugin = nvim-treesitter; }
plugin = pkgs.vimPlugins.zen-mode-nvim;
keys = [
{ key = "<leader>tz"; cmd = "<cmd>ZenMode<cr>"; desc = "Zen mode"; }
conf = /* lua */ ''
plugins = {
tmux = {
enabled = true,
dependencies = [
plugin = pkgs.vimPlugins.twilight-nvim;
keys = [
{ key = "<leader>tZ"; cmd = "<cmd>Twilight<cr>"; desc = "Twilight mode"; }
conf = /* lua */ ''
context = 20,
expand = { -- for treesitter, we we always try to expand to the top-most ancestor with these types